Articles Tagged with ''dealership of the year''

Getting People in the Right Seats on the Bus

PrairieLand Partners, a 9-store John Deere dealership group in Kansas, was formed in 2008 via the merger of Deer Trail Implement, Conrady Western and Pankratz Implement. Doug Neufeld, CEO of PrairieLand, shares his analogy of the importance of getting people in the best role for them within the organization.
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Dealership of the Year 2012: Johnson Tractor

Spend some time at either of Johnson Tractor's two Case IH dealerships (Janesville, Wis., or Rochelle, Ill.), and you'll quickly surmise that the 2012 Dealership of the Year is indeed a "dealer's dealer"? Leo and Eric Johnson are as "blue-collar"? in approach as any dealer-principals you'll find these days, yet they still approach their three-site operation from a very high "thought level."
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Dealership of the Year: Kennedy Implement

No one is discounting the fortunate set of circumstances that resulted in Kennedy Implement nearly doubling (+98.5%) its revenues between 2010 and 2011, least of all Mark and Kent Buchholz. On the other hand, credit for managing those circumstances to best advantage falls directly on the shoulders of owner Mark with more than a little support from his son Kent and nine other dealership employees.
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