Smith's Implements of Mercersburg has expanded to four locations following its merger with Landmark Equipment.
The newly consolidated company will operate as Smith's Implements and will be headquartered in Mercersburg.
"A lot of the reason behind the merger is it gives us a more diverse market," said General Manager Ross Smith. "Because of our larger geography, it helps us in case one market is stronger than another. And it helps share resources to reduce operating costs."
Smith's Implements, a John Deere dealership currently employing 77 people, sells and services agricultural and lawn equipment.
Smith said with the merger, there was initially some "slight" downsizing because of overlapping job duties, but he said "as things get going, we like to think there will be job opportunities in the future."
The four locations are in the Chambersburg, Mercersburg, Carlisle and Hagerstown, Md., areas.
Smith's Implements traces its roots to 1964 when Ross Smith's father purchased an existing business.
In January 2007, Landmark Equipment of Hagerstown, Md., had merged with Clugston Ag and Turf, which operated John Deere dealerships on Black Gap Road in Greene Township and Roadway Drive in Carlisle.
A possible merger between Smith's Implements and Landmark Equipment had been in discussion for a couple of years, Smith said.
"Deere is structured in such a way that it's advantageous as a dealer to have more than one location," he said.
Business had grown, but starting in 2008 sales slowed because of the recession's impact on farming. However, Smith said the company is seeing signs that the economy is rebounding.
"We hope to go back to growth mode," he said.
With the merger, the combined company will now serve a 15-county area.
The company is owned by Ross and Tammy Smith from Smith's Implements, David Quirple and Les Clugston, who were part of Landmark Equipment, as well as local farmer and contractor Donald Bragunier.