This week, we’re heading to the Innovation Hub at the 2023 Nebraska Ag Expo, where over 50 ag tech companies gathered to showcase some of the best cutting-edge technology in the industry. We caught up with Susterre CEO Michael Culley, who gives us a rundown on the company’s use of ultra-high pressure water jets to cut through residue in no-till farming.
“Our product is a retrofit row unit that we can install on any existing planter. It consists of 2 parts, a ski part that presses down the residue on the field, and the jet that pumps water at 60,000 pounds per square inch. We’ve designed the product so it cuts through any amount of residue without having a hairpinning of residue, and without applying additional downforce onto the field. Our side-by-side testing has shown that we can produce 6-12% yield increases in most residue situations. And our goal is to keep regenerative farmers in the practice of no-till and the use of cover crops for more seasons.”
As for a sales pitch, Culley says if a farmer purchases their technology, it would pay for itself within two planting seasons. For more information about the company’s plans for selling the product, check out contributing editor Dan Crummett’s interview with Culley on No-Till