Powell, Wy. dealer Heart Mountain Farm Supply announced it has changed its name to Heart Mountain Equipment. It will also now be a full line Kubota dealer. It had previously been a Case IH dealer.
According to Powell Tribune, ownership will remain the same with Terry and Val Swenson as the owners, and Greg Wilson as the general manager.
The shift to Kubota came as an increasing number of their customers who were purchasing small acreage in the area and were in need of smaller tractors, says Wilson.
Heart Mountain Equipment stopped selling Case IH wholegoods in 2018 and will wrap up selling Case IH parts at the end of 2019. The dealership will still offer service to their customers who have Case equipment.
“As we transition our service department, we will continue to service and repair Case IH tractors, combines and equipment, along with the lines we carry,” Wilson noted. “Additionally, we have become a Trimble Ag dealer so we can continue to provide precision farming and GPS solutions that were previously sourced through Case IH.”
Heart Mountain has been selling Case branded Trimble Ag products for 20 years and wanted to continue serving their customers in the precision farming area, says Wilson. To do this, the dealership partnered with Triangle Ag out of Fort Benton, Mont., allowing them to continue as a Trimble Ag dealer.
The name change is a result of rebranding to reflect the expanded lineup Heart Mountain will now offer. With Kubota, the dealership will offer their full line, says Wilson, from lawnmowers to construction equipment.
“We wanted our name to reflect the expanded line,” says Wilson. “We didn’t want somebody to overlook us who was looking for a lawnmower or an excavator because they saw farm supply in the name.”
Heart Mountain Equipment will continue to sell the Vermeer and Heston product lines it had previously sold under the old name.
There will not be changes in ownership or employees.