A John Deere dealership located in Georgetown, Ky., is moving its current location to an expanded 10-acre lot nearby to better meet the needs of its customers and to support the larger, more technologically-advanced nature of today’s agriculture equipment.
Bevins Motor Company has been in its current location since 1959, but due to the growing nature of today’s equipment, the dealership will be making a move to a $3 million farm machinery showplace that includes room for demonstrations and test drives. The new location will also feature a new service bay big enough to handle the equipment’s growing physical size.
According to the USDA’s Census of Agriculture state findings, the number of Kentucky farms has decreased since 2007, however, the average amount of land devoted to each farm has risen. The census also shows the total value of farm machinery in Kentucky grew from $4.9 billion in 2007 to $5.4 billion in 2012. This means the state’s farmers will likely continue to invest in larger, more technologically advanced pieces of equipment to cover large acreages efficiently. Bevins Motor Company’s new dealership is being designed to meet these demands.
Along with the new move, the company is also expected to add to its number of employees. Bevins now provides tractors, supplies and service to customers in 26 Kentucky counties. With the move, the company hopes their customers will enjoy better service and their agriculture equipment will have more space to be put on display.