Alexandria, Va. — Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and continued regulatory uncertainty, GIE/OPEI, LLC announced that the 2020 show will be postponed until next year.
Show ownership and management (GIE/OPEI, LLC) of GIE+EXPO, the Green Industry Equipment and Exposition, have been monitoring the situation closely and have been working with state and local authorities to put on the safest show possible. Unfortunately, the unpredictable nature of such a rapidly evolving environment prohibited this year’s show from taking place safely.
“We’re looking forward to 2021 and already gearing up to make our next show a dynamic experience for the entire industry,” said Kris Kiser, president and CEO of OPEI, and managing partner of GIE+EXPO. “I encourage exhibitors and attendees that have already registered or secured exhibit space to roll those monies forward to the 2021 show.”
GIE+EXPO has called Louisville home since the tradeshow began nearly 40 years ago. Despite the need to postpone this year’s show, the industry continues to thrive. “Manufacturers, landscapers and outdoor power equipment dealers have been deemed essential during this ongoing pandemic, and the industry continues to play a major role in keeping greenspaces around the country safe and accessible,” said Kiser.