Tim Young
Tim Young is the General Manager of Young's Equipment which was awarded the 2009 Dealership of the Year. Young will be participating in the Dealer-To-Dealer Panel — Succession Planning. His topic is "Preparing the Next-Generation to Take Over." Young founded his company by taking over a bankrupt dealership in 1988. Today, it is a 7-store, 200-employee operation that recently passed $210 million in sales.
Steve Cubbage
Steve Cubbage is the President of Record Harvest which was awarded the 2007 Dealership of the Year. Cubbage will present on Data Management: The Next Frontier For Farm Equipment Dealers. Since 1999, he has operated Record Harvest, a unique precision-ag model that also integrates hardware, software and data analysis for farmers. The Dealership Minds Summit is a first-ever, 1-day conference and networking event planned and delivered by Farm Equipment's Annual Dealership of the Year "Alumni Group." This event was created specifically for dealer-principals, top-level management and executives from farm equipment dealerships of all colors. To view the event program and learn more about each speaker please click here.
When January 30, 2013 Kansas City Covention Center, Kansas City, Mo. (Co-located with Ag Connect 2013) This event is for dealers only and seats are limited. Register today for just $79. How to register: Online Now and fax or mail back the completed Registration Form. Call 866-839-8455 to register over the phone.
For hotel reservations contact: Experient at 866-229-3691 or 301-694-5243 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. CT) For a complete list of hotels and rates visit: www.agconnect.com/Hotels. When making reservations, mention the "Ag Connect" to receive the special rates for the show. Hotel room-cut-off is Janaury 4, 2013 or until allocated rooms are sold out.
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